All under one umbrella
improving the future of showing

The Showing Council Statement in response to Social Media within the Showing Community
In line with the BEF, The Showing Council takes a zero tolerance approach to those responsible for, and responding to, social media posts which are in any way considered hurtful or harmful to a Member Body or any members associated with us.
We all have a duty of care for our equine partners and those associated with them as we act as guardians for their equine and human welfare.
Executive Board
March 2023

The Showing Council represents an amalgamation of twenty key showing bodies which came into being under the direction and guidance of Graham Suggett and Jan Rogers from the British Equine Federation (B.E.F.).
The inaugural meeting of The Showing Council was held on June 26th 2006, with members of eleven of the leading showing societies being present.
Its aim was to:
Discuss, agree and advance (through the B.E.F. and other bodies) policies advantageous and beneficial to its members' interests, primarily in respect of showing, and achieve official recognition of this sport (similar to that afforded to other disciplines), and to bring about voluntary co-operation between its members.
It would not aim or have power with the sovereignty or freedom of action of its members.
To comply with the requirements of membership of the B.E.F., the Showing Council was incorporated as a private company limited by guarantee on the 19th August 2008.
Application was made in November 2010 for membership of the B.E.F. and associate membership was awarded to the council from 1st January 2011.