Showing Producers Code
useful information....

Introduction and Purpose:
This code sets out the requirements, expectations and guidance in line with the Terms of Reference to ensure the conduct of Showing Producers competing in the Society/Association classes and championship shows, including HOYS and RIHS, is ethical, maintains high business, professional and personal standards and does nothing that directly or indirectly has a negative effect on the Showing Societies, other competitors, fellow producers, judges, stewards, officials and show organisers etc. The following Societies and Associations who are members of The Showing Council are signatories to this agreement.
Full Members:
American Quarter Horse Association UK
Arab Horse Society
British Driving Society
British Miniature Horse Society
British Show Horse Association
British Show Pony Society
British Skewbald and Piebald Association
Coloured Horse and Pony Society
Haflinger Society of GB
Irish Draught Horse Society
National Pony Society
Lusitano Breed Society of GB
Shire Horse Society
Northern Counties Pony Association
Side Saddle Association
Sport Horse Breeding of Great Britain
UK Ponies & Horses
Veteran Horse Society
Associate Members:
Miniature Horse Club of Great Britain
What this Code means:
This code will help guide members of all societies/associations who are members of the Showing Council to recognise the standards that should be considered when engaging a Professional Producer/Trainer or Producer/Trainer for the production or training of their horse/pony, themselves or their children.
The Code covers the following topics:
Conduct and Values
Advice and Guidance for Members
Expectations of Showing Societies/Associations for Professional Producers/Producers/Trainers
General Professional Standards
Minimum Professional Standards
Example of Producer/Owner Contract

The following insurance policies are recommended for all Producers:
Employers Liability Insurance (£10,000,000 minimum cover)
Public Liability Indemnity Insurance (£2,000,000 per accident per claim)
Professional Indemnity Insurance
Custodial Liability Insurance
Employers’ Liability Insurance covers the costs of employee claims for illness or injury caused by their work due to employers’ negligence.
For example:
An employee is injured whilst operating machinery due to the employers’ negligence. This may include poor machine maintenance, protective equipment, or training.
An employee falls ill because of working at your business, such as through contact with toxins. This can be an employee who no longer works for you if their illness can be traced back to the negligence of your business when employed by you. If you had a policy while the employee was working for you, your business will be covered.
An employee trips on a frayed carpet while carrying a hot cup of coffee and gets burned.
An apprentice forgets to earth a cord and electrocutes themselves. In this case, the business is responsible if they have not given proper health and safety training.
Public Liability Insurance can cover compensation claims if you’re sued by a member of the public for injury or damage,
What Public Liability Insurance can cover:
injury compensation claims made against you
property damage compensation claims made against you
legal fees associated with injury or damage compensation claims
Compensation claims covered by Public Liability Insurance are those made by members of the public, which can include clients, customers, suppliers and passers-by.
Public Liability Insurance is useful for most businesses (as most businesses come into contact with the public), but it’s particularly important for shops, tradespeople and salons. Some client contracts will require you to have a certain level of public liability insurance.
Professional Indemnity Insurance can cover your business for compensation claims made by a client because you’ve made a mistake in your work.
What Professional Indemnity Insurance can cover::
professional negligence
unintentional breaches of copyright or confidentiality
loss of documents or data
defamation or libel
This means that Professional Indemnity Insurance is mainly useful for businesses that provide a professional service or offer advice. For example, if you accidentally forwarded confidential client information to a third party, or if your architecture firm made a mistake in plans and a building collapsed as a result, you could face a compensation claim.
Professional indemnity insurance is a requirement of some membership bodies and regulators - if you’re a self-employed solicitor, financial adviser, accountant, or architect, for example.
Custodial Liability Insurance provides cover for the insured against claims that arise from the death and/or accidental injury to horses/ponies that are in their care, custody and control. This could be as livery, be they assisted, part or full time liveries, or a horse that may have been sent to a rider for schooling.
Custodial Liability Insurance is most commonly found combined with Transporters Insurance or Livery Yard Insurance.
The policy will offer a benefit to be paid for veterinary fees and/or the current market value of the horse, up to the limit of indemnity, in the event of an accident, sickness, disease or death of the horse.
Professional Indemnity and Public Liability cover limits:
The cover limits of public liability vs. professional indemnity insurance tend to be a bit different too. You can usually buy professional indemnity insurance with a cover limit of between £50,000 and £5 million, while public liability insurance policies are usually between £1 million and £10 million.

Operators Licence
Operators Licence:
An Operators Licence for transporting horses/ponies in vehicles suitable for that purpose.
What is an operating licence?
You need an operator's licence to operate vehicles above 3.5t maximum authorised mass (MAM) that are used to carry goods (e.g. anything not permanently attached to the vehicle) on public roads for trade or business purposes.
Can I be fined for not having an operators licence?
This is a serious offence which carries a maximum penalty of 2 years imprisonment and an unlimited fine. Many operator's licence prosecutions can be successfully defended. If you face prosecution for these offences it vital that you seek specialist advice as soon as possible.
What are the three types of operator licence?
Restricted Operator Licence: A restricted operators licence only allows you to carry your own goods on your own account within Great Britain and the EU.
Standard National Operator Licence: Allows you to carry your own goods and other peoples goods within the UK.
Standard International Operator Licence: Allows you to carry your own goods and other peoples goods within the UK and Overseas.
How long does an operators licence last for?
Your licence will continue to be valid as long as you pay your continuation fee every 5 years and operate within the terms of your licence. You'll be contacted every 5 years to make sure that your licence shows the correct information.
Useful links:
Operators Licence - Goods vehicle operator licensing guide

If a Producer is training and working with children, young people and vulnerable adults they should meet best practice in the safe recruitment of staff who are employed to work with children, young people and vulnerable adults including the necessary Disclosure and Barring Scheme (DBS) certification and ensure that anyone working directly with children, young people and vulnerable adults have completed and are refreshed on Safeguarding training delivered by an approved provider such as the BHS.
Useful links:
Safeguarding - What is Safeguarding?
BHS Safeguarding - BHS Safeguarding Courses
DBS Checks - Request a basic DBS check

Employment Contract:
Producers should ensures staff employed have an appropriate employment contract, terms and conditions and payment is in line with relevant legislation for their age and hours worked. Producers and their staff should have appropriate qualifications, experience, training, knowledge and skills that are up to date and relevant for the production and training of horses, ponies and riders for competing in showing events.
Useful links:
Employment Contract - Example of Employment Contract
If you would like professional help with Employment Contracts, or anything else employment related, please see the Equestrian Employers Association website, using the link below:
Equestrian Employers Association - Equestrian Employers Association
Owners Livery Contract:
It is recommended Producers set out their Terms and Conditions for the production of horses/ponies, which should include:
Livery Day/Weekly Rates
State additional expenses if not included in the standard livery costs; i.e. shoeing, worming, plaiting etc.
Travelling costs
Training/instruction of clients and/or their children
This list is not exhaustive but we recommend as the minimum standard required by a Producer
Useful links:
Owners Livery Contract - Example of Livery Contract
For further information, help, or a copy of the Showing Producers Code, please email: info@theshowingcouncil.co.uk