The Showing Council
Member Body Information

British Miniature Horse Society (BMHS)
(Full Member)
The British Miniature Horse Society was founded in 1992 to promote the breeding, showing and welfare of miniature horses. The Society is approved by DEFRA as a Stud Book for equines measuring 87cms and below at the withers at maturity. A number of shows, Teach Ins and clinics are organised throughout the year and the Society is happy to offer advice on any aspect of miniature horse ownership. For further information please visit our web site www.bmhs.co.uk.
British Horse Breeding is respected throughout the world with a long and proud history so it is natural that the British Miniature Horse Society sets as its standard, the breeding of the best miniature version of a quality British riding horse or light horse, varying in comparative weight between a hack and a hunter. All aspects of conformation and movement should be as desired in a full sized horse with any pony characteristics or movement being considered faults.
Miniatures have the same requirements as any equine for nutrition, housing and companionship. Properly introduced they make ideal companions for larger horses, particularly when travelling. However, they have so much to offer in their own right with full sized personalities. Because of their narrow backs and smooth gaits they are excellent first mounts for young children. They are quick to learn, eager to please and can be taught to jump, perform in hand dressage and complete obstacle courses.
Miniatures take easily to driving both singly and in teams. One miniature can pull approximately one and a half times its own weight and a team of two will happily pull two adults. They are increasingly being used in scurry teams because they can turn very quickly and manoeuvre through tight obstacles. British Miniature Horse Society shows include driving classes, and also many open in hand classes for miniature horses not registered on their Studbook, with a Breed Championship Show held annually at Stretcholt Equestrian Centre in Somerset, and Championships at both The Royal International Horse Show and Horse of the Year Show.
Because their tiny size attracts owners who may not be able to handle a full sized horse, a good temperament is most important. With owners and handlers aged from under five to over seventy and including disabled and even wheelchair bound, there is no room for bad manners or unacceptable behaviour. Miniature horses are excellent ambassadors for the horse world and are often found attending charity events, children’s parties and retirement homes where they are happy to be handled and groomed and enjoy being the centre of attention.
Tel: 01278 685943
Email: bmhsinfo@aol.com
Web: www.bmhs.co.uk
Office Hours: 9:00am - 4:00pm Monday to Friday
BMHS Representatives: Mrs Wendy Edgar & Ms Jane Domhill