National Mourning Guidelines - Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II's funeral date confirmed

12th September 2022
Dear All
Further to my email on Friday, the Royal Household has confirmed that HM Queen Elizabeth II’s state funeral will take place on Monday 19th September. This date has been declared as a Bank Holiday and as such, I can advise that the BEF offices will be closed on this day to enable all those who wish to, to be able to mark the occasion.
The official guidance for this period of National Mourning outlined that, whilst organisations are not obligated to cancel or postpone events on the day of the funeral, they may wish to consider it, or adjust the timing of events so they do not clash with the funeral service (11.00am) and the associated processions. We would strongly suggest that events planned for Monday 19th September do not go ahead and are either cancelled or postponed. However, if you are intending to go ahead with any event within the national guidance on the day of the funeral, please advise by email to executiveoffice@bef.co.uk.
The full guidance can be found here: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1103626/The_demise_of_Her_Majesty_Queen_Elizabeth_II-_National_Mourning_Guidance__1_.pdf
Should you have any queries or questions on what procedures to follow, please email executiveoffice@bef.co.uk and we will put your questions to UK Sport and DCMS if we are unable to assist with your specific concerns.
Kind regards
Jim Eyre
Chief Executive I British Equestrian Federation